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Dealing with Difficult Situations

While at The Source, I was the Temporary Manager while our store was without. One night I was working with a new hire and an older woman had come in because she decided that she wanted to get Bell Fibe. 


I walked a new hire through the steps of doing the activation. After finishing the credit check, we had to ask some basic questions about the house, for example: if it had in floor heating. This is important because if the technician must drill holes, you don’t want it going through a pipe in the floor. 


After asking these questions, the woman started to get irritated and started swearing at us. I tried to calm her down and explain that this is the process anyone who’s doing the activation would go through. She than continued to swear and get angry with us. After trying to calm the woman down several times, the last resort was to ask her to leave. 


So, I politely said “This is the procedure everyone goes through to set this up. I’ve asked you several times, to calm down. If you’re going to continue to swear at my employee and I, I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” After that, she just looked at me and started swearing again. I had to walk around the counter and tell her to leave. This was the only time, I’ve ever had to ask someone to leave the store and it was difficult, but I kept my composure. I felt that it was the right call for the safety and well being of the employee and I.

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